domingo, mayo 15, 2005

I believe

The written present I write it in English because I am interested that it is not a 100 % understood by all ... the truth is that today I will confess something shameful... I believe in the Love...For God, did I say it?

2 comentarios:

karla !veth dijo...

yeah you did! i really feel proud of you cachito, not only for this "terrible" confession, and you know that ; )

i'm happy because you're part of my life and, in some way, i feel like i'm part of yours : )

thanks for be with me (i know is a pleasure for you, like you said before, ha ha!). i love you (and that's my pleasure!) ; )

karla !veth dijo...

hoy miercoles me dijiste que no habias entendido algo que escribi... ¿que cosa?